3/1 〜3/14 (日) まで、*3/21(日)まで、 21:00 閉店 (お酒の提供は20:00まで) での営業です。
Thank you for your continued patronage of ルシュルシュル. The state of emergency issued in Kyoto Prefecture was excluded from the target area on February 28, but it is requested to continue shortening business hours to prevent the spread of infection again. depending on, 3/1 – 3/14, 3/21 the store will be closed at 21:00,We have decided to serve alcohol until 20:00.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the many customers who booked their seats during the period and showed their generous understanding. In addition, we apologize for any inconvenience caused to customers who were planning to visit our store during the period, but we appreciate your understanding.
We would like to express our deep gratitude to all medical personnel and those who are making efforts to prevent the spread of infection. I pray for the health of all of you.
#イタリアのワインと #ルシュルシュル #京都
#cucinaitaliana #lshlshl_kyoto #kyoto #andràtuttobene